Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pelik bin Ajaib!!

Selalunya bila kita join sesuatu kelab untuk dapat special offer kita mesti kena BELANJA certain amount kan? Tapi Tone Excel ni pelik sikit. Dia bagi kita FREE trip pergi UMRAH kalau kita dapat JANA INCOME sebanyak RM1500 sebulan sebelum December 2014. Pelik bin Ajaib! Tak pernah lagi ada syarikah yang offer FREE TRIP pergi UMRAH bila kita dapat JANA INCOME sebanyak RM1500 sebulan! Sekarang ni da bulan Jun. InsyaAllah kalau anda rajin anda boleh kejar income sebanyak ni sebelum tarikh promosi tamat. 

Telco anda sekarang ada bagi ke? Kalau tiada, jadi la pengguna bijak dan tukar ke TONE EXCEL!

Prilgrimage Trip
Starting from 1st January 2013 till 30 June 2014 , every user can have an opportunity to go and perform their pilgrimage trip for FREE from the company.

How to qualify ???

Qualification is base on everyone personal NEW monthly  earning starting from 1st Jan 2013 till 31 June 2014. All earning  prior to 31st December 2012 is not counted which is the cut off date for the new earning.
The new earning to qualify is as follow :-
Normal UserRM1,000/= per month* 
Service CenterRM1,200/= per month*
BranchRM1,500/= per month*
* The moment your NEW earning ( any month )starting from 1st Jan 2013 reaches the above you  are already qualify .
Terms and Conditions :-
( 1 ) Every Member can redeem ONE ( 1 ) trip only. Every account that has achieved a new earning as stated above ; you can redeem for one trip.
( 2 ) For muslim your pilgrimage is for UMRAH and NOT to travel during the fasting month.
For all other religions the pilgrimage trip is of your choice but subject to a maximum of RM5,000/= only.
( 3 ) The trip is transferable within family members only.
( 4 ) All arrangement and decision by the company is final.
( 5 ) All other normal terms and conditions applies.
( 6 ) The company reserve the right to make the booking base on the availabilty of the trip by the appointed travel agency.
( 7 ) All others incidental charges to be born by user.

Prilgrimage Trip
With reference to the above the Company is happy to annouce further extension on the pilgrimage incentive from 1st July till 31st December 2014 But subject to the following new qualification.
Normal UserRM1,500
Junior CenterRM1,700
Service CenterRM1,900
How to qualify ???
(1) Base on the previous qualification, the new qualification on the extension of this pilgrimage incentive will be base on the above new income from period from 1st July until 31st December 2014.
Terms and Conditions :-
  • Number must stay active and meet with the normal terms and conditions through out the running period.
  • Decision from the company is final.
  • Show proof of trip confimation from the authorise agent and the company will reimburse RM5,000/=
  • For those whom do not want to go and claim cash RM4,000/= by giving a letter.
  • All previous terms & conditions remain the same.

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